January 24, 2022

Time Management Tips for Teachers


Time Management Tips for Teachers

Don’t we all often think that there isn’t enough time in a day? That 24 hours are just not enough to get everything done and balance out between work and leisure? But deep down we all also do know that only if we manage it right, it is in fact enough!

Time Management Tips for Tutors

We are sure tutors feel the same way, especially now when there has been a shift from the traditional teaching methods. It’s been as hard for them to move to online teaching as it has been for the students to grasp this method. Sure it gives them more time at home and saves them the time of moving from one class to another. But online teaching has some other new challenges that have simply taken their place putting the teachers in dire need to make improvements. But trust us this is nothing a few time management tips for teachers can't resolve.

So if you often find yourself thinking, how can I improve my time management skills? Remember, that a few important things to keep in mind and follow for increased effectiveness are to prioritize, plan and apply.

What are some good time management skills?

Here are a few time management tips for teachers:

  1. Plan
  2. Get organized
  3. Prioritize
  4. To grade or not to
  5. Focus on your personal life
  6. There's always a tomorrow

1. Plan

The primary step for effective time management for teachers is to plan things right. Every step of yours can be pre-planned diligently and then be followed with precision. 

Here are a few points to consider:

  • Make a list – Every Friday evening you could make it your last task of the week to make a list of things that you have to start with, in the upcoming week. This will help you get your much-needed push on the gloomy Monday. And needless to say, you could keep adding to the list. 
  • End it right – End of each day we already have a list of things in mind that we think of doing the next day. But there is a huge possibility that you might forget that when you start the next morning. Hence it's best to end the day by leaving a sticky note with a to-do-the-next-morning list at your workspace.
  • Use a Planner - Constantly thinking and planning what to teach each day to each batch can get confusing and stressful. Therefore, maintaining a planner wherein you can map out the course in advance will help you immensely. Hence, making it the most ideal time management tool.
  • Do your Homework – Who says a teacher doesn’t have homework? Before each class taking out 5mins to quickly go through what you taught the previous day and what you would like to focus on today will help you lose less time during the class and thereby help finish within time too.

2. Get Organized

Get Organised.

You would be surprised how much time and effort an organized workspace will help you save. Keep the files, course books, and all those materials that you might need, in the right place and in the right order. This will end up putting you in control and feeling absolutely empowered. Especially during online tutoring, a cluster has seemed to be one of the major issues, hence resolving it would save you a lot. 

Like Benjamin Franklin rightly said, “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned”!

3. Prioritize

One of the best time management tips for teachers would be, to always know what your priority is and focus on achieving that first, and after completing that task perfectly go accordingly.

And in case you have a few tasks at the same level of importance then always go for the one task that you would like to ignore or the one which is the hardest on the list. You know how they say “eat your frog”! Get done with the difficult task and then you could complete the rest with more convenience.

4.  To Grade or not to

Trust us there are few courses that can be forgone. Not every assignment needs your attention and to be graded. You could always decide which one to prioritize, which to let go of, and which you could just take help with.

Here’s a chart that could work as the ultimate time management tool for teachers

Improve Time Management

5. Focus on your personal life

The whole point of following such time management activities is to strike a work-life balance, right?! To give more time to yourself, your family, your likes and hobbies, so make sure to do that. Make sure you have fixed log-in and log-out times that you follow religiously and after that, you focus on yourself. 

Focus on personal life.

6. There’s always a tomorrow  

No, we aren’t encouraging you to procrastinate, but if a few things can’t be done today, don’t fret for you always have tomorrow.   

How can Winuall help?

For all the teachers/ tutors/ coaches out there who are struggling with time management, Winuall works as a savior for you. With this online teaching app, you could easily organize and analyze assessments, collect fees, send reminders, interact with students and parents and also add recorded sessions to further help your students. In short, with simplified online course creation, we make sure that you have plenty of time for yourself while your duties are not being compromised.


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improve time management|time management strategies for teachers|time management tips for teachers|time management tips for tutors|ways to improve time management
Syeda Ruqayyah Banu
Marketing Executive, Winuall

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