January 25, 2022

Do's and Don'ts of Online Teaching


Do's and Don'ts of Online Teaching

As noble as it is, teaching is quite a challenging job, which comes with its own list of dos and don’ts. Especially with online teaching, which has largely grown during these unusual times, things can very quickly and easily get uninteresting. While you have the advantage of working from the comforts of your home, there also are obstacles that make it a bane rather than a boon.

The most basic obstacle which each one has gone through (be it student or teacher) during these days is the urge to stay in your pajamas all day. So the first DO to awaken and energize all of us would be to get up and dress up!    

Apart from this, if you wonder what etiquette must you observe during online classes? Here are some other salient Do’s of Online Teaching for you:

  1. Join on time
  2. Plan your sessions in detail
  3. Set up your space
  4. Make the class exciting
  5. Make it comfortable

1.     Join on Time – Punctuality is as important for the teachers as it is for the students. And this becomes even more important during online classes as a delay, in this case, can lead to overall mismanagement. Hence, it is always better to join 3-5 minutes before the session to make sure everything is working fine.

2.     Plan your Sessions in Detail – Planning the course content keeping in mind the syllabus, students’ abilities and needs, and other aspects are primary. Apart from this, keeping all your things organized and going about the day’s action systematically also come under this criteria. You can check out this article here for better planning!

Online Teaching - Planning

3.     Set up your space – Make sure you are in an uninterrupted space. Accompanied with factors like adequate lighting, all your things in reach, and a strong internet connection. Availability of net is a must-have during online teaching so make sure you choose a spot wherein its strongest.  

4.     Make the class exciting – It’s too easy to lose focus, especially in online tutoring where there isn’t any in-person connection. Hence, making it even more important to engage and captivate the class. Let it be interactive and fun, with elements like visual, auditory, kinesthetic, games, and more. Inshort, get creative!  

5.     Make it comfortable – A little small talk, intro sessions, smiles and other gestures as such can make the setting a lot more comfortable and thereby something that students would look forward to.

Most do’s come naturally to an instructor. However, the real challenge arises when they have to consider eliminating a few things and bringing a change, and following a few don’ts. So, what should not be done in an online class?

Here’s a list of things Not to do during your online classes:

  1. Design your assessment that is guaranteed to fail
  2. Refuse to answer questions
  3. Monopolize the conversation
  4. Ignore feedback
  5. Assume your content doesn't need to be refreshed
  6. Underestimate the importance of an app

1.     Do not design your assessment that is guaranteed to fail – Complicated and long assignments which are to be submitted within a short period should be a no! Assessments like group projects, quizzes, etc. were once started as fun ways to challenge and test students' capability. But sadly it’s only the latter part that is now focused on.

2.     Do not refuse to answer questions – “Do not interrupt” or “I’ll answer that later” are actually some of the worst phrases to use as a teacher. Rather you must encourage questions and make sure to clarify the same at the earliest. As it will get them to be more active, involved and enhance their thinking ability too.


3.     Do not monopolize the conversation – When all one has to do is listen, chances are they might zone-out. Hence, work on making it a two-way street. Build a lot of “Check for Understanding” pit stops for high engagement.

4.     Do not ignore feedback on your performance Learning is a continuous process and you too without a doubt have lots to learn. So take feedback and keep bettering yourself. Your students know your teaching the best so do not hold back from taking and considering their feedback.

5.     Do not assume your content needs no refreshing Everything keeps changing, from the teaching techniques and styles to the content you teach. With the advancements and newer research, things keep evolving, hence, each one of us should too. Remember change is the only constant!

6.     Do not underestimate the importance of an app – Presently, with online teaching gaining so much presence it has also become vital to have your online teaching app via which you could function easily and also promote yourself more effectively.   

The online teaching platform, Winuall, is a massive help here as it gives tutors and coaching institutes a ready-to-use, all-in-one teaching app and website in their own brand name with the features like live classes, a store for online courses, batch management, attendance management, quiz module, fee module, and more. From online course creation to assessments you can do it all with ease and comfort.

Online teaching|online teaching app|online teaching platform|Online teaching software|online teaching software - winuall|Teaching
Syeda Ruqayyah Banu
Marketing Executive, Winuall

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