March 28, 2022

4 Tricks to help you Attract More Students!


4 Tricks to help you attract more students

Education plays a major part in all of our lives, and hence what school/ college/ online classes we study in is a decision that a student gives a lot of heed to. Similar to how an institute makes sure that the most skilled set of candidates join them, students too make sure that the institute they choose is a good one. Research shows that students are picky to an extent that around 55% of them apply to at least 4 institutes. 

Sure incase of offline good infrastructure, and with online classes, a good app for the classroom, are some important factors too. But today, we are going to put light on some major pointers that have the most impact on a student’s decision, and help answer your query as to, how can I promote my institute? or how can I attract more students?  

  1. Good Reputation
  2. Unique Courses
  3. Financial Aid
  4. Job prospects for graduates

1. Good Reputation

The reputation of your institute is an important factor when it comes to attracting students to you. Some of the ways that you can achieve this are with:

  • Effective management - this is what helps you build a strong base
  • Skillful faculty – faculty can make or break a student’s future. So a friendly, cooperative, and competent one can help build you a good reputation.
  • Feedback – interact with your students, take timely feedback and make necessary changes and improvements, whenever and wherever needed. (This can be taken care of during live classes to via one-on-one chats.) 
  • Engaging classes – use the right tools to make the class engaging, and captivating for your students. This would award you with satisfied students who would in turn market for you among their family and friends.

Holding attention and making things engaging can be a little more challenging incase of online teaching, hence, here are a few tips to help you with it: 

2. Unique Courses 

What courses you offer holds the greatest impact, as that’s the core reason for admission. So along with the most common courses, which hold popularity among your target audience, also make sure that you offer unique and instrumental courses, which are not offered by many of the institutes around but are or will be (in the near future) popular among the students. Especially with online classes, there are only a few choices other than the traditional ones. Hence, work on developing courses that are new and intriguing and you would surely attract more students.

3. Financial Aid 

Most students also assess the financial aid offered by an institute before settling for it. Benefits like scholarships and the opportunity to pay the fee in equal installments rather than in lump-sum, flexibility to do part-time jobs, etc, are examples of some of the aids that can be offered. And though online classes do provide time flexibility, fees is something you can focus on. 

4. Job Prospects for Graduates 

Getting a befitting job that helps you move ahead in life, by being able to learn, grow and attain balance and satisfaction is the ultimate goal. The degree that a student works on must help him attain a job. And job placements and internship opportunities provided by the universities help students attain this ambition. Hence, these opportunities act as a major catalyst in promoting the students to an institute.

And some ways which act as the first step in attracting them towards your institute are:

  • The forum of social media, which without a doubt is the strongest source of marketing and reach in today’s day. 
  • An attractive and informative website, for students, would want to do their research and if you want to attract them, then you must make sure that they don’t bounce back from your page.  
  • Make sure that the website is also mobile-friendly as most students research via that medium.
  • Word of mouth, that is via happy parents and testimonials by alumni, does help too.
Marketing techniques for both offline or online classes

So make sure that these too are worked and built efficiently. 

And lastly, make sure that once they come to your institute, you counsel and convince them such that you secure the admission in one go

how can I atract more students to my institute|how can I promote my institute|how to attract more students|tips to attract more students|what are ways to attract more students
Syeda Ruqayyah Banu
Marketing Executive, Winuall

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